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Pudu Ria Florist Southern

Lily & Rose Wedding Bouquet

Lily & Rose Wedding Bouquet

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A White Lily & White Rose Wedding Bouquet is a timeless and elegant floral arrangement, combining the classic beauty of lilies with the purity of white roses. This bouquet exudes sophistication and simplicity, making it a symbol of love, purity, and new beginnings. The white lilies add a touch of grace and refinement, while the white roses convey innocence and love. Together, they create a harmonious and stunning bouquet, perfect for brides seeking a traditional yet sophisticated floral arrangement for their wedding day.

*Keep them away from sunlight or any heat source.

Note: Ribbon and foliage may substitute for a suitable alternative, similar in style, and value depending on availability.

Fresh Cut Flower Care Guide

  • Trim Stems: Cut 1-2 inches off at a flat, diagonal, or crosswise angle
  • Remove Leaves: Remove leaves below the waterline
  • Fresh Water: Change water every 2-3 days or when cloudy
  • Flower Food: Add flower food for nutrients
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Keep away from direct sunlight and heat
  • Environment: Store in a cool area (except refrigerator)

Please Note: The pictures are for reference only. The picture might be little different from the actual items because of screen and lighting effect.

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